
Are you ready to join Pack 1040? Click HERE  Not ready?  Come visit us at our events, browse our calendar. Or keep scrolling to view our calendar below.  We'd love to share with you  the unique benefits of Cub Scouts.

Registration is available for Lions (K), Tigers (1st Grade) through Arrow of Light (5th Grade) boys and girls, we are a family Pack.

Navigate to "Is Your Child Interested" for more information on joining. 

Grace is our Pack Sponsor

Flag Ceremony 

Meetings begin with a flag Ceremony

PACK 1040 Calendar

Click the Pack 1040 campfire to navigate to our YouTube

Click the campfire to navigate to our YouTube

Parent Action Items

Pack Activity Planner

    Pack Activity Planner updated after our June Parent Planning Meeting

Enter your home achievements in SCOUTBOOK


What is a Cub Scout?

The mission of the Boy Scouts of America...

to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Promise, Law, and Motto.